Headless Commerce APIs
Transform any digital screen into a personal experience
with Frankie.
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Unique Shopping Experiences

Any digital screen — personalized

Headless commerce separates your front-end customer touchpoints from your back-end infrastructure from. It’s about having the flexibility to create custom selling opportunities anywhere.

Frankie’s range of Headless Commerce offerings and custom APIs  allows you to convert each customer touchpoint, into a personalized customer experience.

Maximize your opportunity to delight your customers and satisfy their every shopping desire.

View Similar —
creating a personal shopping experience

The Frankie View Similar API allows shoppers to immediately view products that align with their personal tastes and shopping objectives. Give your shoppers greater control over their shopping experience. Let them decide when, and where they see personalized recommendations.

Expect: higher levels of engagement and conversion rates in this richer shopping experience.

Instant Recommendations —
personalizing your store

The Frankie Instant Recommendations API allows shoppers to interactively refine their product search, in real-time, with feedback the shopper provides. This allows shoppers to quickly view the products that hold the highest interest to them, in an uninterrupted shopping flow.

Expect: extremely high levels of engagement, shopping satisfaction and conversion rates.

Get the best results
from your store

With Frankie Professional APIs

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Our other products

Boost sales with shopping personalized to each buyer
Omnichannel personalization at scale. Recommend in real-time exactly what each customer wants most from you. At every stage of the buyer journey. On every platform.
Online store
The idea behind Frankie Personalization is simple. Display the products that each shopper is most likely to buy.

Frankie Personalization offers a range of recommendation options for every part of your online store.
Email remains one of the most powerful customer acquisition and retention tools for Ecommerce merchants. 

Frankie Personalization provides content tailored to each email recipient.
Personalization at POS
Deliver an enhanced in store experience by utilising Frankie’s observations of customers online.
Empower staff and increase their effectiveness by providing them with insights and recommendations based on each customer's online browsing and shopping behaviour.

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By Frankie
Product recommendations where buyers want them
Engage shoppers with a new seamless shopping experience.
Buyer optimized shopping experience
Most shoppers don’t scroll product pages. So they never view the product recommendations that convert them into BUYERS. Inline solves this problem by showing Related Products, on demand, directly in a Collection.
It’s about the shopper
Shoppers want the easiest and simplest way to shop the products they love.
With Inline, shoppers no longer need to load and scroll individual product pages to view appealing suggestions.
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Ecom Tips & Tricks
Tactics and techniques to achieve your Ecommerce goals
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Frankie how-to guides, FAQ answers and
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